dance, music, body wisdom from egypt

Murad Adli 

Murad Adli holds a Bachelor of Arts from the Faculty of Arts in El Minya Universitiy (2002). Murad Adly was born into the artistic environment of the upper Egyptian city of El Minya (1982). Since his early childhood, Murad wanted to listen to music. In helping his son to realize his passion, his father introduced him to the world of Middle Eastern music. But Murad wanted to be more than a listener – he yearned to play the flute to be able to express his feelings through music. At the age of 16 he started to teach himself to play the nay and kawala. His talent and dedication made him a celebrated flutist. Besides his work and family life, Murad plays in several music bands and is a member of the Egyptian Music Professions Syndicate. As a member of the band Baian Hala, he and his fellow artists address social problems, like violence against women and homeless children, through music. Murad is part of Compagnie Tanz Raum and contributes his specialized musical knowledge in the works of Duat and Salam project.